Surprised there's no remaster of this.

Easiest uninstall I've ever made. Actually bad looter shooter.

Easily the most broken & jank Call of Duty game. & that's kind of why it's one of the best ?

Spawned Best Cod shots, so it's gotta be 4 stars from me. Sniping montages are a forgotten genre of youtube.

Where is the sequel :C (that isn't a mobile game)

Best DLC / Expansion for an FPS in living memory, something very different from Halo 3 but also very good. I like the pseudo-stealth in the open world.

Almost makes me wish they did more marine-tier missions in later entries, oh well.

cringe story ruins good arcade experience.

Memories of playing this as a teenager because it was literally just a free game.

Weird freemium model, Games for Windows Live... Total 2010 meh experience. You should actually be glad you won't be able to find this anymore.

Endless split screen on Playstation 2 for days, this game fucking rocks. Wish they made a sequel with Space Battles

favourite commentary community background they use in videos

I used to mod this game to restore the censored card artwork. I prefer the hardworking ethics of the old me.

Babies first RTS. All it has is the Halo license, and that's all it needs.