gorchest. Minus points for not being the PS2 version/for changing the visuals but excellent remake anyway.

well-designed and fun :) love dis game

(copy-pasted from Steam)

Play this game without expecting it to be a different game, please! It's very solid, especially for a game made by a team of three devs. It may have shared mechanics with Shadow of the Colossus, Breath of the Wild, and others, but it's not a copy and shouldn't be expected to be one.

All the bosses have unique fights, with different strategies to choose from for each, depending on your play style. The majority can also be fought in any order, you can stumble across one by mistake at any point in the game (but you can run away if you'd like to save that fight for later!).

Minibosses are difficult until you learn their attack pattern. Fun challenge regardless, and completely optional.

Survival elements such as weapon durability, cold, hunger, etc. are entirely optional due to a very functional difficulty system. You can choose the actual difficulty (4 settings from easy to legendary) as well as whether you want survival mechanics (story, boost, survival), for an experience that you want to play. If I see one more person complain about how they don't want to play a survival game I will lose it. You can turn it off!!

Overall a good game with nice visuals and an epic soundtrack. I love Dreki so much <3

Hated this game at first until I forced myself to play more so it wasn't a waste of money. At 7 hours I started liking it. Steep learning curve. Godbless

I love this game I don't think anything has or will ever top it. Real review another time <3