I'm sorry to offend people over the age of 30 but this game is MID. The movement and gun play is fine but HOLY FUCK GIVE ME MORE. I understand this game was built on a really old engine but bro. The music is mid. (cardinal sin for a video game) The title is mid. The art style is mid AT BEST; the environments can look nice but the enemies and weapons ARE MID. The writing is worse than mid, it's just BAD. I understand you're not supposed to take it TOO seriously but I can literally tell this game was written by horny nerds. (a bad thing) And to top all of this off, the latter half of the game is WAY too fucking long and unfocused. So many rooms and routes where I'm like, why does this exist? I actually liked the last boss because I just got to shoot shit and not worry about collecting the third keycard of the stage! Don't think I'll ever play this game again fr.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2023

1 Comment


5 months ago
