The continuation of a trend in Remedy's games where they find new quirky ways to tell a story; I think this game is the beginning of something special.

Many people talk about the combat being linear or the encounters with enemies being bad, but to tell the truth I actually enjoyed the combat of this game. Even though I sometimes felt as if I had too many good resources (flaregun ammo, flashbangs), I had a fun time figuring out how to kill the 4 people walking at me while using as little resources as possible. I GUESS the flashlight mechanic didn't REALLY change all that much throughout the game, but I really didn't mind that much. Instead they just tried to give the player more ways to specifically attack with LIGHT, which I think is the right move, but I think it could've definitely been better implemented.

I think the game has flaws of course but fundamentally I believe it was a very important step forward for Remedy and I'm SUPER excited to see how they improve upon this game's mechanics and storytelling in AWII. I also loved the Max Payne references, Sam Lake can you do the face?

3 games down, 4 left to go in the "Remedy Rampage."

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2024
