i will always prefer a link to the past for nostalgia reasons, but this is definitely the definitive 2d zelda game. kid me got this game when it came out in 2013 and i played the shit out of it. it takes the zelda formula in a brand new way: you get the items before the dungeon rather than after. this allows the dungeon to revolve all around the item rather than just in the halfway point of it. in addition, you are able to do most lorule dungeons in any order you want aside from the sand temple, which must be done after thief's hideout. the merge mechanic is a solid mechanic too, though the previously mentioned access to any items does overshadow the wall merging mechanic for me despite the merging mechanic being the main gimmick advertised back in 2013. for this run almost 10 years since i last played it, i was using a not 3ds, so i didn't have access to hero mode like i usually do because i didn't feel like importing my cartridge save onto my not 3ds. hero mode is my preferred mode as the game is really easy in its default difficulty. my only complaint is that i wish that this game had its own distinct world map rather than just basing the world map on link to the past so it could have more of its own identity. this was the one thing kid me didn't like about the game. i even considered it a 7/10 for that reason despite playing the game to death. but 10 years later, i see through the similar overworld and believe that the game does so much well that it doesn't affect my perception of the game anymore.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2024
