it was one of the games i have ever played. taking my jokey side out the game is just an uninteresting trial and error game. jump and spam the jump button to float across challenging things. if the creator was going off the more bdsm vibes with this game, i believe there should've been more background. instead its just a generic nes video game tower aesthetically. i do like challenging games for sure but there is a difference between something like ghouls n ghosts and this game. ghouls n ghost's mechanics are fully utilized. the challenge of the game is mastering the controls of the game in environments created with the controls in mind. this game on the other hand has just "jump and go right at the right time" or "do this flash game climb and just avoid spiders lmao". media literacy guys can show up and tell me "the game is supposed to be difficult, it represents the creator's bdsm relationship and is not supposed to be fun" but on an artistic level, i feel it is like a modern art piece where all the pieces of the art are not interpreted at all in the game but rather the sign next to it. no matter how you interpret jill's situation in the game, its still a shit game to play. at the very least, the art for the game is very good and is the only thing remembered about this game, as seen on twitter. go play it if you want to, its free on but be warned you won't get your 45 to 60 minutes back if you regret it.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
