Wore out it’s welcome 2/3 of the way through. Hokey plot, confusing, cluttered environment, endless skill-free slaughter. I liked many of the tombs but stopped caring about upgrades (and that was the main reward besides the attractive design of the early tombs. As the game went on the tombs became harder to locate or took too much backtracking so I stop bothering because I just wanted to be done). Camera was unforgiving for platform puzzles. Relic and data log collecting tiresome. A fair step down from my memory of the first game but it has been a long time. I do remember a similar feeling in the first game where the fun combat upgrades only become unlockable near endgame and it’s too much of a linear one-and-done to ever really go back and try them out. A game that made me question my completionist tendencies.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2024
