After dropping the first Silent Hill, I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this one very much, but I'm glad to be wrong. This is an absolutely fantastic videogame. I absolutely love the dreary, eerie atmosphere; the lighting effects especially are fantastic, and they looked even better running this with the Enhanced Edition patch. The story had me hooked from the first minute, and the uncanniness of the characters' acting was always unsettling, which was great. By the end, after everything was laid out, I was nearly in tears. This is some actual peak fiction.

I played through the main game, getting the In Water ending, and then I played through Born From A Wish (which...well, it sure does exist I guess).

Minor gripe, but the Action "Normal" difficulty was way easier than I ever imagined it would've been; my inventory was always chock-full of ammo and healing items. Not once did I die. If I replay this in the future, you can bet it'll be on Action "Hard."

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2022


1 year ago

How the fuck did you get the In Water ending. I bumblefucked and somehow got the Leave ending. glad you enjoyed btw
I looked up a spoiler-free endings guide and it turned out I was already kinda on the path for it since I examined the Mary's Letter and Mary's photo in my inventory in the very beginning of the game, so I just rolled with it.