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twitter fighting against a god born from society's - i.e internet's - own ignorance. the game literally breaks it owns themes for the sake of style or... whatever they wanted to do and it surely doesn't know how to build an 100-hour long narrative.

with that said, the social links are way better than the main history and yeah, it's beautiful (but i never want to see red and black together again (that's not true)) and the ost is amazing (however i never want to listen to jazz-fusion ever again (that's also not true)). didn't think that the dynamism in gameplay is better. i guess that it felt a little of an puzzle in a bad way sometimes and all-out attack animations is really annoying after the 100th time seeing them?

i've had fun sometimes, hated it others. i don't know if it's a game i'll ever think it's good. but yeah... i'll have it in my heart in a way or another.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2021
