I finished this after finishing Just Cause 4, don't ask why. So it's gonna be a comparative review.

- Explosions would make even the best Battlefield game blush. Its details and impact are fucking ridiculous. I loved it.
- Wingsuit is worse than JC4 but still good enough to enjoy.
- Rocket launchers and its variants are really really cool.
- Cinematics and story is sloppy at times but characters were really endearing.
- Liberating settlements was enjoyable.
- Challenges are infinitely more fun than JC4, especially the wingsuit ones.

- I thought JC4 was the buggy one? When the game gets too explosive frame rate basically fell to the single digits. I almost refunded the game just because of that but had to slodge through.
- Because of framerate issues there is a certain sluggishness about the game. Exploding stuff is really really fun but not watching it in virtually slow motion.
- Rico's voice actor overdid it. Too "humorous" for my taste.
- Quest design is slightly better than JC4 but the emphasis on "slightly".
- Some cinematics are cut way too short and overall meaningless. They should've either got rid of them completely or did a better job.

All in all, I enjoyed JC3 more than JC4 but performance issues killed my enjoyment. And even if I ignore those issues both of the sequels aren't nearly as majestic as Just Cause 2. I'm actually gonna replay it for the umpteenth time lmao

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2022
