This was the first PlayStation game I ever played. I used to go over to my friend Erica’s house in middle school and she and her siblings taught me how to play this. I was not very good at all but it was a ton of fun.

I used to play the HELL out of All The Small things on this. That guitar pick stylus was everythinnggggg. 🎸

That gummy silicone “drum kit” skin that was made to fit over the Nintendo DS was the peak of gaming accessory design.

Me and my best friend used to play this on her computer in middle school and we’d always choose random boy students and change their names to that of our current crush, and then proceed to follow said student around the school the next hour or so.
Also the whimsy of the classroom designs in the game has yet to be matched by anything else.

This review contains spoilers

My boyfriend found this game and said it reminded him of me, so I decided to give it a try and quickly became engrossed.

I loved that you see the rooms entirely through your characters eyes, there is no one to interact with, and you just get to chill and unpack your boxes to cute music. The lack of challenge was extremely relaxing, and I was excited to unpack and put away my things in each new place.

I clocked the queer vibes quickly once I began unpacking the college dorm, and was delighted to realized as the game went on that the character was bisexual. I feel that playing this game helped heal my inner child a bit, but the inclusion of queerness as a central storyline made me feel so seen. One of my favorite games that I’ve played!