I feel bad giving this game a lot of flak, there's a lot of fun levels and I'm enough of a diehard OSC fan that this gets a lot of bonus points in my head as the fullest OSC-related game that's ever came out; but unfortunately as you get multiple characters playing starts becoming a bit of a hassle. I got to level 28, getting all the Win Tokens as I went, and it was pretty frustrating at times, the idea of your legs clinging onto a platform as you approach the edge seems nice but most of the time you're just testing it until you inevitably fall and have to do everything you just did in the level again.

At level 28 specifically some of the platforms required to beat the level normally just... aren't there? The same is true of level 29 but I managed to beat 28 using a glitch I've never seen anywhere, and then I was just unable to beat 29 because of the same issues.

As an OSC fan pretty much anywhere I can get my fix of it tends to be pretty nice but unfortunately this game has definitely shown its age.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
