Interesting! You can definitely tell a lot of soul was put into this. However, this is a very odd piece, in a lot of ways.

The art and music is pretty brilliant. But the story is so surreal it almost becomes nonsensical. It has a lot of cool, shocking moments, which were really engaging. But because of how obtuse and abstract everything is, it can feel like connecting the dots is very difficult.

The writing is also a bit amateurish. I don't actually mind that too much. It's quirky in a fun way. But that naive writing style makes the scenes feel a bit juxtaposed, in a bad way. It's like the story wants to be an introspective jaunt about a weird, sci-fi world, but half of the text is a slapstick anime comedy. It is definitely more unique because the story is shamelessly itself, but it definitely loses a little drama and impact while trying to be openly sincere.

In the end, it's a unique little VN. And seeking out the more complex endings might be fun for those who really found themselves loving the premise. But it was just alright for me, and I don't feel inspired to hunt down the other endings.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
