I quite nearly fell asleep during the tutorial. It was that boring. You can instantly tell that your first impressions of the game you get within the initial 5-10 minutes is what the next 45 hours of your life will be if you continue playing: drudging, slow, obnoxious, fiddly, and exceptionally dull.

Not to mention that the game is just really poorly optimized? I have a pretty decent rig, and it couldn't run it on ultra without some choppiness. I can accept that. But running on even lower settings, dipping below 60fps constantly, or with weird jittering? That's pretty wild, especially given that this is a fully released game that's nearly out for nearly 2 years (at time of writing).

If you're okay mindlessly throwing away 45 hours of your life on an experience you know is not very fun or polished, good luck to you. I do not want to do that, so this gets tossed in the rubbish.

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2023
