i wish i was toby fox so bad not because of his money or fame but because i wish i had the ability to make something so incredibly charming that was able to touch so many peoples lives. alas all i can do to make up for this personal failure is draw me kissing mettaton on the lips

Reviewed on May 19, 2024


13 days ago

you don’t need to become him. whats stopping you from creating something awesome?

13 days ago

@illplayit unfortunately i am clinically stupid and cannot use 99.9% of game making engines to save my life so the closest i can do is have a toby fox to temmie chang moment where someone dms me on tumblr begging me to make some art for their game and then two years later an incredible indie game drops and there’s a hoshizoralone village in it

13 days ago

I think calling yourself stupid is just you underestimating yourself. All you need is help understanding a game engine to use and looking for help on how to code and use said engine. Im using game maker studio and I have to say its a pretty good program since there’s a visual feed on your game and result of code. You can do it!!!! all you need to do… is LOVE UR GAME!! love ur IDEA!!! make it come true!!!!!

13 days ago

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13 days ago

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13 days ago

@hoshizoralone also coding and development is pretty fun for me, but i like coding more actually

12 days ago

You have no idea how much I could relate to this LMAO