I don't know how much of an improvement this one is over its predecessor, but it is still a fun time. The combat is notably improved, and it feels much more fluid and bouncy to play, but it also feels too easy sometimes. I really didn't struggle outside of one or two instances.

I'm also not sure the timer and rouge like style adds anything of meaning or fun to the game. While it makes every run be (kind of) intense, so much of the game is predicated on exploring and quest lines, that I felt like I couldn't get a great grasp on it all because I was so focused on getting out on time.

I also think that the game ends up being fairly poorly paced within the latter half, as certain items or two will be worth enough to basically pay for any upgrades or new items instantaneously, instead of having to build up money through multiple solid runs.

However, despite these more poignant critiques, there is a lot the game does right. It has a memorable and fun art style, and still is one of the funnier games I have played. The quests are mostly fun, and I love a lot of the animations piled into the player character. I do miss the more "town" aspect to the first game, but it still does a good job at making fun environments for the characters to live in.

Overall, Turnip Boy Robs a Bank didn't blow me away, but for a game I picked up solely on its absurd title, it does a pretty good job.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
