Fantastic for the first 50 hours and incredibly monotonous past that. It takes the coziest of cozy player to find any enjoyment after that point, and I commend those that do.

Don't get me wrong, there is loads of content to like in this game but it just happens to not be things that I find interesting after a certain point. I love getting new villagers and completing the museum but once I was left with having to terraform my island and partake in interior design, I was falling off pretty quickly.

I am by no means an interior designer or someone who can wrap my head around 3D spaces; I tried my hardest and fought for my life but it just quickly became a game that I stopped playing unfortunately. The villagers don't offer up any variety aside from their looks and that just simply isn't going to keep me around. I wish they could do more, but they can't. They're basically 8 of the same characters reskinned and duplicated. The rest of the game is repeatedly crafting furniture and tools over and over again, until you get sick of that and just break the game with a Treasure Island.

Almost everything that could be done simply is turned into a massive chore. For instance, it's extremely annoying that they made villagers moving out a whole migraine of a process, just let me choose who I want to leave for the love of God. I know people love chores in a game, but there's way better ways to pull it off and be more engaging.

On that note, Nintendo has no interest in updating this game further, so I don't see a point in going back to it anytime.. probably ever.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
