A fine successor to Until Dawn, but misses the mark a little bit. It's campy (teehee) and fun but the new mechanics aren't as great and the characters get even more one-dimensional.

There is nothing that will top the "Don't Move" mechanic, a mechanic that you can actually fuck up on accident with severe consequences. You'd have to actively be trying to lose in order to fail the "Don't Breath" mechanic in this game and it's just not as impactful, nor does it make the game at all scary.

It's great for a day of romping around though and seeing how the events turn out. There's a lot of consequences in this game that are very unforgiving and I got some counselors killed because of it. One of them did not appear in the credits, and the game acknowledged them as alive when I literally watched them get their throat torn out.

That being said, I will now complain endlessly about the performance of the game. This game ran like complete ass in the first hour and I debated refunding it but stuck through. Dialogue would repeat itself constantly while scenes loaded in like the engine was catching fire. I debated purchasing the console version instead, but it was $10 more expensive for some reason. Jesus Christ.

To top it off, I can respect that the developers put in a streamer safe mode, but they picked some of the most tv commercial comedy tracks they could have found and it made a lot of the game unintentionally funny. At least the monsters in this one are real creatures.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
