Chief.. I-.. I got some bad news. We've somehow made a worse Mass Effect game than Mass Effect 3. You may want to plug your nose because this one is FOUL.

First and foremost, this game is so.. so... outrageously BORRRRRRRRRIIINGG. It's like they took the most tedious parts of the original trilogy and made a whole game out of them. You travel from nothing planet to nothing planet to do- Guess what?: NOTHING. There's no life, there's no soul, there's not even a light behind the main character's eyes. They're dead on the inside and so am I.

There is no fun to be had and it's a massive slog to wade in. You could take a 2 hour nap while traveling to different planets and you still wouldn't be there yet when you wake up. Which is ATROCIOUS because you're often times being told to leapfrog back and forth from planets you just left.

Your crewmates might as well be made of cardboard who are too scared to speak to you so they email you with important personal information about themselves immediately upon leaving their room. So glad I could customize my own twin to the abomination I wanted him to be, but he doesn't do anything. The shallow ass dialogue options lead Ryder down a path of being the dumbest person alive tasked with the most crucial mission in the galaxy, and yet of course they somehow figure it out through failing upwards at every turn.

There's no real reward for the cleaning up planets other than more enemy shlock thrown at you and I hope to God you like Sudoku because it's a major feature in this game that you have to do multiple times. The power system is stripped to the bare minimum in favor of this garbage crafting system that I couldn't even stand to look at.

It's so bad and no, just because it's 2023 does not make it some underrated masterpiece people were just too mean to back then. This game is still broken as Hell, soft-locks, crashes, and looks atrocious. Characters clip in/out of cutscenes and duplicate themselves all over the place. Enemies and companions T-pose mid combat, doors stay closed when they shouldn't, etc.

The story and characters are so forgettably mediocre that I don't even remember what happened to most of them. Worst of all, it's wildly unfun.

I have changed on a molecular level having played this piece of shit game.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023
