Another Sims spin-off that I have very fond memories of. At this point, the same campaign of moving from place to place until you hit level 10 of whatever career starts to get a bit old, but here you're given other characters to play as who have their own specific goals. Most of those goals are just simply buying items they like, which is pretty lame, but I like the idea that your Sim is changing people's lives in some weird way, and some of these locations are goofy as Hell.

It's really a blended mix of silliness that is pretty common for this series. This game's got some cool mechanics though. You can move the Sims with your analog stick and are given free movement, which I don't think has been done again ever since.

There's some stat boosting effects you can give yourself through making the weirdest food imaginable. It's like your Sim is a garbage disposal for the most heinous concoctions of food any one person could even think of making.

Again though, the relationship management in this game is bananas awful. If you don't speak to someone for two seconds, they bitch and moan about how you don't speak to them anymore and then comedically time their break up with you while you're at work so you can't get promoted. After about the 5th time that happened, I snapped and became the Joker.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023


8 months ago

sims 2 is a spin-off?

8 months ago

@HaloBlues This is the console version where the mechanics are a bit different.

8 months ago

@hotpoppah ohhhh like a port, gotcha! i haven't played sims 2 so i just thought i missed some integral knowledge about it LMAO