This game has a lot of potential, but I feel like the initial concept works against it. It’s a bit more mean-spirited, where you kind of hope something horrible happens to everyone and it actually needs to in order to progress. It’s a concept that unfortunately rips away all of the scariness and hilarity that most people would probably be looking for. Aside from a well-timed spawn, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Unlike the other game that this one will be compared to until the end of time, there’s no chance of organic comedy coming from your friends who are avoiding danger rather than looking for it. The point here is to hope that something kills everyone and that the camera man isn’t dicking around somewhere else while it’s happening.

I played the game for about 2 hours and feel like I’ve already experienced everything it has to offer. The upgrades it sells you are mostly cosmetic and the amount of views you get per video seem completely arbitrary. You’ll have some rounds of gameplay where everyone dies in the first 5 seconds, leaving you with 60% of film left and others where barely anything happens at all. The environments don’t really give you that much to play with and there’s no reason to wander off because there’s only one camera. Every day ends with an awkward movie experience where everyone sits around looking at the unedited footage and maybe sometimes you’ll hear a light chuckle under someone’s breath. It’s nice that they offered it for free, but I probably won’t go back to this one until it gets some major updates.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2024


14 days ago

Agreed 100%. The camera mechanic is stellar though, and gathering around to watch the video after a successful run is a lot of fun with friends. But it really fails to capture the moment-to-moment fun of the game-which-must-not-be-named, and those failed runs where you don't even get the recording feel like time wasted, unfortunately

14 days ago

@JoeSchmoe It would be so nice if you could save up money and pay for a retrieval of the camera whenever that happens. We tried finding them, but it seemed almost impossible and ended up dying again in the process.

12 days ago

Even faster hottest review in the west 😎