An expansion pack that dares ask the question, what is it like to be the most annoying person ever known to mankind? A niche internet micro celebrity.

Scoot over lowly HOBBYISTS, the hustlers are moving in. Sorry, you like having fun without the pressure of somehow making money off of the stuff that brings you joy in your life? Hah, what a utopia you’re living in!!! Every little thing you do now is going to garner you some kind of fame. Painting? Cut your ear off. Singing? Get it, Britney. Complaining about video games? Shit, sign me up. Just about everything can garner your Sim some sort of reputation towards becoming a celebrity now.

I’m doing a bit here, but genuinely that is kind of cool. It gives the impression that if you work hard at something creative it can eventually become lucrative without having to be a literal movie star. Maybe you just want to play as a prolific author for example. I mean, if you do want to speedrun becoming a global superstar the best way is to just join the new acting career. If you have a Sim that is rather skilled in most things, it’s really easy to succeed pretty much every gig given to them and this throws a shit ton of fame points their way in return. It works in a similar vein as the other active careers, except here you’re on a movie set and can actually navigate a rather simplified process of making a film. It’s no The Movies for sure, but it is putting in a little more effort than the other active careers in my opinion. You’ll pass through hair and makeup, interact with your co-stars and then act on set, bada boom bada bing. Now you’re famous. I wish there were more scenes or gigs to do because after a certain point there are only so many and then it becomes repetitive, but I did genuinely enjoy this more than the Scientist/Detective careers because of the environments they built for it. Oh shit, Urbz reference!!!

But naw, there’s several ways to become the next celebrity. Like, becoming a Youtuber. ☠️ Except, even if you post complete nonsense and whatever you want it really doesn’t matter. As long as you have a good enough Media Production skill, it’ll typically always output a completely asinine amount of money per video uploaded even if it’s not a trending topic. Which is, not how that works, but fuck it, we ball!! Unfortunately, you can’t actually edit any of the content your Sim makes. They just kinda sit in front of a camera and then edit it themselves. What is funny though is that the uploader is the Sim who gets paid, so you can actually exploit the shit out of your friends by having them record a hundred videos for you and then upload it all for them. The true Hype House experience.

When it comes to fame there are some perks. I’ve found that the CelebruSerum perk is a true life saver since it’ll send you drinks that will instantaneously change your mood. It’s incredibly useful for me because sometimes there’s things that require certain emotions in order to do them. Specifically, some of the aspirations will require you to do something while Inspired and I don’t have to actually work on forcing an Inspired mood when I can just have her drink a potion that will do it for me. Or I can drink a Focused potion when I want my Sim to do 10 hours of work without stopping. Yeah, I’m lazy. Most of these pertain to being a content creator and not really the acting portion of the expansion so I find little use for most of them. At a high enough level you can pretty much instantaneously become friends or lovers with anyone which is pretty convenient for me. So, there are some uses that are case by case basis depending on the household you’re playing as.

Similarly though, there are unfortunate caveats to being cool. For example, your Sim will acquire really annoying quirks that are basically debuffs to prevent your life from being too easy. Some of them are manageable, like not enjoying any food that isn’t at a certain quality. Or making your Sim uncomfortable with unwanted interactions. That one just sounds normal?? But, there are others that are so irritating that I instantaneously wipe them the second they randomly unlock. Like the Emotional Bomb quirk that unlocks whenever someone dies because your Sim got sad about it. It’s like being punished for having a normal reaction to traumatic news. My Sim’s phone number got doxxed and now she receives text messages from everyone she knows about how much they hate her and how she should basically die. Alright, makes sense but like.. do my son and best friend have to join in on it too?

With fame comes chaos though. The more famous you become, the more annoying the game gets to be honest. It is genuinely grating to be out trying to do something and getting swarmed by people screaming and fainting and throwing up and crying when they see you. Or to have paparazzi up your ass all the time. There’s really no way to stop this and I kind of regret becoming famous sometimes. Like, I genuinely just hope a meteor would crash down on everyone whenever I go outside to do something. I’m minding my own business on a dinner date and there are just 80 people yapping around me all the time. If you complete the aspirations included in the pack, you basically hit a level of fame where you’re just famous for being famous and while it’s cool to win awards and live lavishly, it’s definitely a playstyle only some people would get any enjoyment out of. Aside from all of this, it adds probably the worst town in the entire game. Del Sol Valley is so barren with only like 3 lots to live on, and everything is only accessible after achieving a certain level of fame. There is more fluff on this map than anything actually interactable so I never really come here. L.A sucks!!

The price you pay for fame.. is $40 full price, maybe $15 on sale.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024


finally, power

3 days ago


3 days ago

You're my favourite niche internet micro celeb poppah ☺️☺️