This to me is a weaker Life is Strange game in my opinion, but it's definitely not the weakest. While I think Alex is an alright protagonist for this series' standards, I do think that her powers are fairly stupid. I get what they were going for but the emotional beats just didn't really connect with me and it made it harder to get through the game seriously.

I loved the initial tagline of "ordinary people doing extraordinary things", but Alex isn't capable of doing anything extraordinary. I went into it assuming it would be a very similar mystery to the first game, but the mystery in this game is basically spoon-fed to you as soon as Episode 1 ends and the rest is just going backwards from that point. Having played the other games, the plot in this one is very predictable, but it's still a decent ride to get through.

The other characters are just kind of there, aside from the two romance options. But, I hate feeling like I have to romance someone just to learn more about them, instead of just.. getting to know more about them regardless. The other character gets shafted because of it and turns them into a nothing burger.

I wish the consequences in the end mattered a bit more, but your powers only do so much in the first place so it was never going to end with a bang anyways. It's just fine.

I will however shake my fist at the developers, please for the love of God stop using licensed music in your games, or at the very least, use an original score for your Streamer Mode. It is honestly pathetic that the norm is to just simply remove ALL music instead of just hiring a composer. It really made me realize how much of the emotional weight in these games are attached to the music and maybe that's why it didn't connect with me as much.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
