A game where you're meant to play as a really good police detective, but in reality, you play as the worst detective in any media you've ever seen.

I don't know if I missed it, but I don't think the game ever properly explained what "Doubting" really meant and I ended up coming to the wrong conclusions for like 95% of the cases because of this. Since you can't really fail, it meant that Cole was still rewarded despite being so shit at his job and it was so fucking funny.

I wish the game was a bit more intuitive with its investigation, but it was still very fun. Realistically, you spend more time driving around in a GTA style world than you do actually finding clues for crimes. While it's the best part of the game, there's really only 2 outcomes per mission and they're built entirely around being able to tell if the NPCs are deceiving you, some way more obvious than others. I think this is a great idea that could be reworked today but as it is, it's so goofy; there's a reason why it's memed to Hell and back.

A lot of the missions end similarly, either in a car chase or a big shootout so it gets predictable, but it was still a blast regardless.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
