A charming free prologue to Kero Blaster where you play as the pink office lady, a side character in Kero Blaster's story. The gameplay is pretty much identical to Kero Blaster, just pared down to its most simple form - no shops upgrades and only one weapon - and features a single short level. More Kero Blaster is always a treat, so I really enjoyed getting to play what feels like a bonus level, but what makes Pink Hour stand out to me is that towards the end of the level, you receive a document that is destroyed if you take damage. So you have to clear the boss and the rest of the level without being hit to get the good ending, taking this short game and making it more replayable with this added challenge. I think a short and replayable game is great combo, its difficult for me to want to slog through a 20-30 hour game again just to see what I missed or go for another ending unless I really adored the game the first time around, but something that takes just a few minutes makes it easy to want to jump right back in. I'd like to experiment with this type of short, replayable game some time in the future!

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
