you ever finish a game and be stunned into silence for like, an hour? that's what happened to me at the end of this game.
at its core it isn't much. it's a VN-style game about a miserable lesbian following drink recipes and serving them to customers who range from agreeable to insane. but deeper than that, it's about not giving up in the face of a world that would like nothing more.
it's a game that tells you, "hey. i know the world sucks. but your world doesn't have to suck too." and it's a lesson that's never been more poignant. it's a story about finding forgiveness, peace, even happiness, in a dystopian hellscape. the world is dreary. tragedies happen every day. but in your little corner of the city, you have people who care about you. people who will stick with you. people you can count on. and when you realize that, suddenly that insurmountable heap of dread doesn't seem so tall anymore.
anyways, the game's also written fantastically. each customer has their own story to tell, and by god they'll tell. it does a wonderful job of building a world that feels suitably alive. and none of these characters are one note, either, despite seeming that way upfront. it also doesn't forget to be really funny. the game opens with the staff cleaning up after a group of dogs drank there just the other night. George Costanza walks into your bar and sits down and you just have to live with it. the funniest joke was how much faith their publisher had in YIIK.
the aesthetic of this game feels safe and cozy, fittingly. it's a welcoming atmosphere, with lovely art and fantastic style. each character's design is distinct and memorable, and you can tell what kind of person they are just by looking at their faces.
all in all, there are not many games that can fundamentally change your worldview. especially not many with sunglasses-wearing dogs as a main plot point. but this one did it for me, and it might just do it for you.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
