This was good but kinda underwhelming. They went way too overboard with the long cutscenes and annoying overworld puzzles in this one, it felt like you couldn't go from room to room without encountering one or the other. Plus the storyline from this chapter kinda just felt like Chapter 1 with a new coat of paint, and some of the jokes got a little too repetitive.

That being said, you can definitely see the work that got put into the combat mechanics over the last few years, playing pacifist doesn't mean Susie and Ralsei are just defend and heal machines respectively like they were in Chapter 1 anymore and there are a lot of different ways to approach battles just as there was back in Undertale. And as always the bullet hell combat and music are just as amazing as you'd expect from a Toby Fox game.

Overall I definitely think Deltarune Chapter 2 would've benefitted from being packaged with later chapters as originally planned, this felt more like heavy lifting being done to set up plot points for later instead of it's own standalone thing. Of course that's what it's meant to be and it's hard to judge something that's clearly part of a bigger story (and was given to us for free!) but for what it is it's still really good. If you like Toby Fox's work, you've probably already downloaded it so there's no real point in me recommending it to you.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2021
