Talk about disappointment. After going through hell with the first game, I was just hoping for a more polished game but, well, something that would still give me the fair challenge a Mega Man game usually provides.

What happened then? I found a game I could easily finish in under a hour, just for how absurdly easy and dumb it is. When I beat it, I swear I was in disbelief, thinking “That’s it?!”. It makes even more sense when you learn it wasn’t even made by Capcom.

The bosses are criminally stupid. The levels don’t present any true challenge, and can be finished way before you can imagine. The graphics are weird and the soundtrack is… abismal. Seriously, if you care about your hearing, turn down the volume as much as you can.

Even with the absolute minimal amount of fun, this has got to be, by far, the poorest and most inexpressive classic Mega Man experience out there. If you’re not planning to marathon these games and are not a huge fan of this series, stay away from this one.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
