Well, colour me surprised: this is actually one of the absolute best games in the classic Mega Man formula and, up until this point, by far the best in the Game Boy series. Everything here was polished to a point of excellency, and it’s a joy to be played from start to finish. Even the graphics are phenomenal, especially for a Game Boy game.

I’d say that the first three games, despite the third one being quite good, are more worthy to be played by fans and veterans of the franchise who might be interested in playing every Mega Man game possible.This fourth one, however, deserves to be played by anyone. It just doesn’t get a higher rating for being a smaller, more compact game in comparison to its console counterparts and because of the insane amount of slowdown, but it definitely goes along the most fun titles in this series, and I even like it sliiiightly better than its more well-regarded sequel, Mega Man V.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
