I’ve just replayed this, a month after my first playthrough, with the recently released hack, “Mega Man World: Dr. Wily’s Revenge GBC”, and I’ve got to say to anyone who might be interested in checking out this first Mega Man adventure on the Game Boy: make sure to play it with the hack applied.

It not only gets rid of the slowdown that plagued the original game by taking advantage of the Game Boy Color’s extra RAM, but it also completely changes the experience with a full colouring that is simply lovely, giving the game a whole new charm. I personally enjoy the colour choices put into Elec Man’s level, making it feel unique in comparison to its NES counterpart.

The original black and white game not only looks a bit ugly-ish, but lots of details from enemies and backgrounds kind of blend in together. With the new full-colouring, it not only makes such an early Game Boy game looks fresh and as colourful as the NES games, but it also highly increases the game’s overall visibility, and I guarantee it makes a huge impact on the gameplay.

It still is a flawed game with lots of cheap moments and utterly cruel stages (I’m looking at you, Cut Man…) but I still stand by my original impressions: it’s more fun to play than the first Mega Man, and a much more robust experience than its sequel on the Game Boy. With this new hack enhancing it, I truly believe this is a worthy entry to any Mega Man fan out there, even if you play it just for the sake of it.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2023
