System: Windows PC
Rating: 57/100
Playtime: ~1 Hour

As part of the Arkham City GOTY edition, there's enough here to at least get another mission's worth of time out of it. If it was 2012 and I paid for this, I'd be way more negative. At an hour runtime, it's interesting that they gave a full Robin build, when you barely play as him. Robin was a fun build to use, but I wish it would've been more to it, and less Batman who you just played the whole game as. I also see people talking about how hard this DLC was, but I had the opposite experience. I was taking bullets like it was nothing. The Hugo Strange fight was so difficult to me, and the Harley fight that was similar was a piece of cake.

System: Windows PC
Rating: 54/100
Playtime: ~1.5 Hours

Saw this and was thinking it gave off Little Nightmares vibes, but unfortunately those expectations were too lofty. The game is alright, and it worked as expected aside from some stuttering that was odd. The game was unfortunately just very bland, including a chase that could've been very fun. The enemy chasing you was one of the most generic options, and the setting wasn't enough to carry through. The second half was way more interesting than the first, and the paper gimmick was interesting enough, even if both halves felt like the same powers just tweaked a bit.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 73/100
Playtime: ~30 Hours

A game that was a mixed bag. The story wasn't particularly standout to me, and it took way too long for me to really get grabbed. I almost gave up around three hours in, but I had kept hearing how good this was, but it may have been built up too high. The combat was pretty fun when you start to learn the weaknesses, and the graphics still look great. Unfortunately the voice acting was mostly bad, and some of the animations were weird. A positive was that once it picked up it didn't overstay it's welcome, with only a thirty hour runtime to get the platinum.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 81/100
Playtime: ~8 Hours

At a time where I'm more disenchanted it was a great time to replay this. My memories seemed to mostly be from the later games, but this was a solid start to the series. I enjoyed the varied boss fights, and the clockwerk level felt like one long build to the conclusion. The bottles were pretty easy, but there were a couple that annoyed me even after I felt like I understood the patterns. Sometimes buttons felt like they weren't working as I intended, but most of it could just be dated controls. Overall pretty basic and simple platforming and stealth, but I'm hopeful that the later games come soon as well.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 73/100
Playtime: 7 Hours

This is what I feel like I want most from PlayStation Plus. I never would've played this if it wasn't a monthly game, but I definitely enjoyed it. I really liked how the different worlds actually felt unique with the theming. The cutscenes were very fun, and reminded me to watching Spongebob year's ago as a kid. Unfortunately the minute to minute gameplay was very bland even going in not expecting much difficulty. The voice lines repeating got annoying, but eventually I just stopped paying much attention.