System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 7/10
Playtime: ~95 Hours

Valhalla gave me a new appreciation for what this style of game is best at. Go through the story and pay attention along the way, but it's perfect to use as a background while listening to music, podcasts, etc. The way that the story is told is interesting, and I enjoyed it more than the three paths that Odyssey took. The game does have it's bugs, but nothing game breaking came up for me during my playthrough.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 9/10
Playtime: ~3 Hours

Astro's Playroom is a game that I originally hadn't put much thought into, but I'm glad that changed. The game is packed full of references to Sony's history, and even the most recent fans with have something to give them nostalgia. It's a great example of what the controller could do, but it's more than that as it's a fun platforming experience. It left me wanting more, and a hopefully that comes in the future. The soundtrack is great, and I can't wait to return back to get the platinum trophy.

System: Xbox One X
Rating: 7/10
Playtime: ~2 Hours

Tacoma is a game that you can beat within a night, and it's better for it.

Tacoma is an interesting take on the "walking simulator" genre, filling in the gaps through the usual notes and papers, along with looking in on past conversations through the various crew mates. The story slowly unfolds, and it's best not to have any info about the game before heading in. If you like the genre, this is one that you may as well try out, as it does something unique, and can be beaten in the time it takes to finish a movie.

System: Xbox One X
Rating: 5/10
Playtime: ~20 Minutes

If you have Xbox Game Pass, and a half hour with nothing else to do, there's enough here to pass the time.

Made by a seventeen year old, Fractured Minds is an okay experience based around mental health, with a couple of interesting things throughout. While most may be forgotten soon after playing, you should find something in here memorable. If you're into adding to your gamerscore, that's also a draw, as it's a quick and easy one thousand points.

System: Xbox One X
Rating: 7/10
Playtime: ~75 Hours

If you're into the style of AC Odyssey, you're in for a good time here.

Odyssey is a story of having simply too much to do for it's own good. The graphics look good, the three main stories are interesting enough, and the game play is the same as you've come to know with the next gen of Assassin's Creed games. The gold rimmed question marks, and the side characters they lead you to are good, with some being standouts like Socrates being one of my favorite parts of this game.

The problems come in when you look at the size of the map, and see the amount of things you have to do. The white question marks all eventually become the same thing, and they seem never-ending. If you completed Origins at 100%, says it has an average of 80 hours, which is big on it's own, but Odyssey takes that up another fifty hours, to 130, and it eventually becomes too much for it's own good.

If I didn't start off by attacking the question marks on the map and just stuck to real side quests, along with the gold ?'s, I believe that I would've enjoyed this game more, but by the time it came to it's conclusion, it just felt like a drag, and that's the biggest disappointment of all.