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Shares a lot in common with New Vegas with its problems, outdated engine the devs clearly werent having a good time with, loose and somewhat useless perks and a story that closes in on itself and rips control away just as it's getting interesting.

But where new vegas offered freedom with a clear and succinct dialogue system (that even then could still confuse your intentions), this game goes the Mass Effect/LA Noire route and kills most of the interest you could have in the world in the crib. To be fair to it, it does more with this dialogue system than most seventh gen games, often times giving you a short time to respond when a question catches your character off guard, theres an intentional difficulty to communication and not paying attention can cost you. It does not change the fact that it is supremely fucking boring and annoying to try and approximate what you'll be saying, what any particular character will like and whether or not any given option will tie into gathered intel at the same time.

The gameplay is awful, both normal combat and stealth are like pulling teeth in the worst way and the game doesn't even respond to how you play correctly despite giving you a bunch of tools to encourage an mgs european extreme type playthrough. Often times I'd go through a whole level knocking everyone out and a character would still respond that I'd killed his guards.

All that said, even with all those problems, 7th gen obsidian had the juice to make basically anything compelling. The only way to make a premise like this work is to pull no punches and this game, even through its goofy tabletop OC spy bullshit, pulls absolutely no punches about what your actual role in geopolitics is. This would work great as an isometric rpg, or even just an attempt at the same script with an engine overhaul, but as it is it's at least a compelling game.