A fun but very flawed experience. Though the game marketed itself heavily on the heights of Fallout: New Vegas, you would do yourself (and the game) much justice by ignoring that comparison and going into The Outer Worlds with a fresh mind. This is not New Vegas 2.

There are many things The Outer Worlds does poorly:

Mind numbing combat with terrible AI (both enemy and companion); some quest choices feeling very by the numbers/illusion of choice; an ungodly amount of stuff to read that will cause your eyes to glaze over; often boring and bland world designs that make exploration both inside and outside of towns a bit boring; way too much miscellaneous trash that will fill up your inventory; a mostly bland cast of companions (not you Parvati); poor RPG skill/perk system that made character building dull; poor performance; and a near soul draining world filled with some of the most unlikable NPCs I've ever experienced and a message that Obsidian hammer into your head on every world you visit.

Though if you can put all that aside there are a lot of great things in here that make me look forward to the next installment in this series.

There are a myriad of fun quests both in the Base Game and the DLC for you to sink your teeth into, all with a great amount of variety in how you want to complete them. There's all sorts of fun dialogue to give your PC personality and let you role-play and for those who enjoy it, there are also plenty of skill-checks (I hate them myself though) and like any good RPG, dialogue options can evolve depending on what your PC knows (from reading terminals, speaking to other NPCs, etc...) which will often lead to you getting a secret third choice outside of your binary good guy, bad guy choices. This game rewards exploration and willingness to go off the beaten path and try stuff that isn't just outlined in your quest journal.

Again this is a very flawed experience and it's definitely not for everyone but if you typically enjoy Obsidian games I'd say to give Outer Worlds a try. There are some good proof of concept systems here and a fun experience to be had if you can get past the flaws.

Get an OP weapon that will let you skate past the god awful combat (I chose the Salvagers Helper which you can find fairly early on Groundbreaker); don't play on Supernova (lack of fast travel + survival mechanics = bad time); and resign yourself to being the big brother/sister of the crew and marrying ADA since there is no romance in this game... still hung up about that.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
