This is a tough one. On one hand, I love the destruction and mayhem, it's super fun and satisfying. On the other hand, the missions are all time-based and in the vein of a heist. I can see what the game wants you to do. Create a destructive path to complete the 'heist' as quickly as possible. However, due to how many of these types of missions there are it becomes quite repetitive. The game leads with a few levels of just destroying stuff and does sprinkle a few throughout the campaign here and there, and I think there it is at its peak.

But besides the lacking campaign, everything else is literally superb. Visually is fantastic. Well optimized considering the concept. The tools & vehicles feel amazing to use. And the game has good mod support so there's a massive canyon of fan-made content that you can play (some seriously impressive mods).

If I could add one thing, which already sort of roughly exists through mods, I would add NPCs. Whether they're enemies or just civilians, it would breathe a lot more life into the game.
So yeah. Mid campaign, good other-stuff.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2022
