this actually makes me want to make music and get into some emo teen clothes culture, this game is peak 2000s and i love it for that. looking at this reminds me of the time i watched sonic and kirby ocs with beat’s voice beat the fuck out eachother, actually fuck it. it seemed like every cool mf like YTPers and flash animators had a cool oc that were based off a intellectual property. damn i miss thoses times. This game uses ALL of the ds’s features thru the use of pins which is pretty wacky and fun and the storyline is great where this teen has to learn to work with people. the writing is so chilll man, it doesn’t take itself too seriously and it bleeds into the menu and it feels like it’s talking to you which I love. Also the music is JAMMIN! Playing this game with headphones is a experience a bit like minecraft but a bit cooler, I love walking around hearing underground play. Play this game and ill automatically be your homie.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
