i hate being so negative about a game i went into really wanting to like because conceptually there is so much to like here!! the lore (when it hits) goes hard but there's so much i'm still wrapping my head around

music is absent for what feels like half the game and the dead air is palpable. combat could be really fun as a reworked version of what they did in xenogears but as it stands now it's so exploitable and dull. usually i'm tolerant of wonky story pacing but combining it with asking the player to actively avoid combat and thus the game itself in the first parts of the game makes it feel like the game really does not want me to play it, and this feeling never really went away for the duration of the game.

complaints aside i do really like what i've seen storywise and shion is a really fun and unique protagonist as far as xeno goes. i still intend to engage with xenosaga + it's side content as a whole and see it through to the end... like i just HAVE to see what is up with jesus christ being in this series. it just worries me when everyone seems to agree that xenosaga 2 is 'the bad one' given my experience with this game!!! i think it'll be worth sticking it out for kosmos and shion but fingers crossed 🤞

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2023


Fwiw I do consider the 2nd as the weakest in the trilogy. But it does have some redeeming qualities I quite enjoy as well. Compared to the first. All good with being negative on a game! You gave evidence on what didn't work and I think that's fair to say about the first episode.

1 year ago

i get it. i'm a defender of xenosaga forever but episode i has got to be my least favourite of all of them. :,) everyone will tell you ep ii is Ew but give it a chance! ep ii is wonderful, it can be tiring but it does have proper bgm. there's three composers so it can get messy but like, it's enjoyable, love the ost it makes me smile running around the durandal&kukai foundation and hearing shinji hosoe's stuff.
i'm glad to hear you want to give everything a chance, don't let this deter you!!! ep ii is really NOT as bad as everyone says, even if the gameplay may not be your cup of tea, the story carries.
and do not get me started on ep iii. ep iii makes everything worth it. ^_^
good luck on your xenosaga journey!!!! (and nice tear pfp good taste)