Persona 3 FES is one of my favorite games of all time, so when I heard that a remake was on the way, I was elated. Over time, doubt started to set it before the game's launch, remaking a title that a lot of people hold in high regard is no easy feat. As someone who loved Persona 3 and holds it's themes, characters, gameplay, and everything else in between in high regard, this remake completely delivered. Gameplay enhancements go a long way, and while yes, Reload is the easier game, it's combat feels like a dream to go through, fast, snappy, and oh so stylish, it never feels truly boring. Soundtrack is another strong aspect of the original Persona 3, and while some may argue that Reload "butchers" Meguro's arrangements, I strongly disagree. I'm of the mind that Reload's ost is at worst, a sidegrade, and at best, is an upgrade. Everything that made the original soundtrack great is here, and then some. The story recieved minimal changes, only adding scenes for Strega, these scenes, while admittedly small in number, go a long way in establishing the individuals of Strega as actual characters. Who hold their own goals and motivations. A far cry from how they were handled in the original.
Persona 3 Reload is a triumph for anyone who loves JRPGS, and an even bigger triumph for huge fans of the persona/megaten series. It's only competition this year are games from the same publisher, a testament to the overall quality that they put out. Easy 10/10. PLAY IT NOW

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024

1 Comment

6 days ago

TLDR; gam gud