I'm really not sure what to think of this one. From a purely technical standpoint, it's really fun seeing pokemon recreated in bitsy, complete with music. The dialogue is often poorly formatted or confusing, but English isn't the dev's first language, so that's excusable.

As for the messaging, I really have no idea what my thoughts are. Politically, I too want a better world freed from the shackles of capitalism. The presentation leaves something to be desired. Some of the worldbuilding is cool, like people and Pokemon trying to learn each other's languages. But jokes about Pokemon being oppressed are as old as the games are, and they're really tired. And I have a lot of problems with the animal rights movement, and I don't know how I feel about some of the animal rights rhetoric here. The last thing you want is to make someone think of those PETA Pokemon games. This isn't quite the same thing as those people who insist on making kid's stuff edgy for the sake of it (Phineas and Ferb are actually dead and Candace is hallucinating everything ooooooo!!!) really get on my nerves and this is a bit too close to that sort of thing. There's so much better stuff to sink your teeth into.

In conclusion, I have no idea. Get back to me later.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
