I think, for the most part, that great games are timeless. I say most part, because I think Metroid falls into a strange place where I cannot in good faith call it a good game, but nor can I call it a bad one. I suppose the best way to describe it would be a good game limited by the technology of the time. I respect it a lot more than I like it.

Samus isn’t as much of a pain to control as I’ve seen people say she is, but wandering endless identical halls without a map in sight is only remotely tolerable thanks to some excellent music. It’s a slog to sit down and play through.

And yet, this game is brimming with so much ambition I can’t bring myself to hate it. I’m happy knowing it got a chance to reinvent itself with better tech and become so iconic. I look forward to playing them for myself. So hats off to you, Metroid, for starting it.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2023
