The last time I took a long break from writing reviews on this site because of health issues I got a few comments from people who noticed I was gone and were concerned. Seeing as it's been more than a month since I posted, I just wanted to reassure everyone: I haven't been sick, it's just that it's Four Job Fiesta season so I just did nine runs of FFV before deciding to play anything else.

Anyways! This little-known title that I played in my childhood dutifully goes through a laundry list of cliche tropes and bad design, most of them being drab affairs requiring you to hunt around uninspired levels to destroy McGuffins. Many of said McGuffins take a few hits to destroy but don't react to being hit, which leads to some confusion that could have been easily avoided by having them flash a different color or something - this is a flaw shared by the boss encounters, some of which are interestingly designed with several different weakpoints which unfortunately don't indicate whether you actually nailed the hitbox or not.

Special dishonorable mention needs to go to Greedly's stage: an obstacle course that is essentially three difficult obstacles repeated identically ad nauseam over the course of the level, making it both nearly impossible and terribly boring at the same time. Also, Captain Planet, whom you finally get to control in the final level, is disappointingly weak, can't attack upwards/downwards like the planeteers can, and can't even turn dudes into human trees.

There are some interesting ideas here that could have been turned into a decent game in the right hands, but there's a reason barely anyone remembers this one.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

I always get excited when I see a new review posted. Keep it up!