I am generally someone who does not just let vibes take me over for a game. I spent too much of my childhood reading PC Gamer reviews and watching game design Youtube to not have a deep and terminal brain worm called "over-analyzation" embedded into me. I have seen many an average gamer complain about the way that this game actually plays to not come in with some incumbent fears regarding how my gameplay and systems first bias would affect the experience.

I have tried to beat this game like 4 times, always giving up about halfway through chapter 2. It was only after NakeyJakey's recent video about returning to RDR2 and Dunkey's advice of "the slower you take it, the more fun it is" settling in for me that I decided I could do it this time.

After doing so, they were absolutely right. Red Dead, for lack of a better term, isn't a "play how you want" kind of game, even if Rockstar seems to think that they have provided that in some capacity because that is what it is known for. It is extremely linear in its missions, there are plenty of obscure ways the mechanics work, and we don't need to talk about the controls. These are obvious hindrances to this "free to do anything" outlaw experience, as games like MGS5 and Tears of the Kingdom are way better examples of that at this point.

What this game is, however, is a beautiful and relaxing experience surrounding what is at its core one of the greatest stories ever told in a video game. This game cannot be played passively - you will not enjoy it should you play it like COD with a livestream in the background and half paying attention. You need to fully, absolutely immerse yourself; and that is what I did. Go hunting, help random strangers on your trips, play poker at the camp, speak to your fellow outlaws on life. READ THE JOURNAL (this is non-negotiable). Live like Arthur really would have, and you will find nothing quite like it.

I won't speak much on the story, but I think that there could be entire essays written on its quality. All of the characters feel real, there are twists where you would never expect, and so much more. The heart and soul of this game, however, is Arthur's story. This is truly a story about if a man can be redeemed, and it doesn't feed those answers to you. You really have to live with the dichotomy provided to you. I would say the only dip is Guarma, and the complaints about it seemed honestly overblown considering how short that section is.

Overall, I loved it. There is so much detail and charm in everything here, where you have to play it 4 times to get it. I wouldn't consider it perfect - there is too much annoying shit that feels wrong to ignore in giving it a 10. However, there are far many more pros than cons in this experience, especially if you can meet it where it wants you to be.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
