I am really struggling, at this point, to come up with anything to say about the Spyro series every time I get around to playing one of these. I don’t mean for this to imply that I think Spyro: A Hero’s Tail is a bad game, truthfully I think it's probably my favorite since the first game, very much better than Enter the Dragonfly and definitely a more refined experience in comparison to Ripto’s Rage and Year of the Dragon. It expands on the different breath types introduced in EtD by actually having puzzles involve them, and by giving each type their own attributes, the lightning breath in particular I loved because of its extended read and stun affliction. It also, I don’t think exactly fixed or improved, but defined the other playable characters sections; in YotD they really just felt like extensions of Spyro’s gameplay with slight deviation in move set, creating a feeling of almost bloat, and while again I don’t feel like this feeling as been shaken off, I think it's more manageable here because these sections are different enough to feel distinct and add a little bit of variety. But outside of that there is nothing this game does that makes it particularly stand out, there is just nothing, it's not interesting; and frankly, the series has felt this way for a couple of games now. I genuinely have nothing to say, I hate to do another short review so soon but that's the reality here; and while me feeling burnt out has of late when it comes to this whole backlog journey I have been doing for nearly a year and a half now might be playing a part in my opinion of this game, I don’t think that changes the fact that this game is just ok at best. Again, it is not bad by any means, just nothing of note. With that though, this will probably be the last review, and game, that I do for the next couple of months. My summer job is going to be very time consuming and I don’t anticipate me having any time to play anything, but who knows, maybe I will be able to squeeze one or two out, we’ll see.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
