- [ ] If Donkey Kong is an arcade game that really wanted to be NES game, Devil World is an NES game that really wanted to be on arcade. It’s a cute novelty game that thrives on the concept alone. It’s the first game that brought Miyamoto, Tezuka, and Kondo together, that’s cute! The concept of a moving maze that can crush you is inventive, and the character designs are really good. The devil needs no explanation, Tamagon is basically progenitor Christian Yoshi and I am here for him. Put him in smash please.

But come on I’d spend a quarter to play this like once. And even then it’s not exactly a go to arcade game. Aside from Punch Out, most Nintendo Arcade games just lacked that special sauce that made those Namco games iconic and addictive to play. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can’t even put into words how much Pac-Man blows this game out of the water. It just does.

Good for spending a few minutes on NSO for novelty’s sake. It’s all Devil World is worth really. Not that that’s a bad thing necessarily. Still better than Mario Bros and Ice Climber.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024
