Well, it does what it says on the tin. It's a single floor of Wizardry-style blobber dungeon RPG, with a wide variety of classes and races you don't get to manually choose from. That was probably a couple words too long for the title, so they kept it succinct.

Anyway, it took me three tries and about 1.5 hours to get a victory. First try I didn't understand how to deal with attrition from random encounters. Second try I didn't realize how dangerous the boss was. Third try I understand what was needed and got a Fairy Druid who could heal and naturally regened MP, so he gave me enough time to find good enough weapons/skills/consumables to tackle the boss.

Not a whole lot else to say. I think this will be a nice one to keep installed when I have the itch for a dungeon RPG without wanting to commit to playing a full game.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
