Definitely my favorite Shu Takumi project I've ever played. The puzzles all hit that perfect balance of difficulty where you fumble with it for like 10 minutes before it finally clicks. The writing is PHENOMENAL, both from a character and plot standpoint, and the brisk pacing of it all only serves to highlight that quality. Frankly, I'm shocked that I had never been spoiled on anything from the game, but I think this is one of those cases where I was blessed by it being a cult classic that never quite got the recognition it deserved. However, this is an actual good mystery game that knows exactly how to drop feed all of the information you need to solve it by the time the game finally reveals, so I don't think getting spoiled on it would even ruin it. Probably have more to say about it, but I literally just finished it, so I gotta let that marinate. Check it out.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
