as someone who had two false starts with this game over the course of about two years before finally playing it through proper, this game can kind of feel wildly intimidating to take the plunge on. every interaction feels like a potential hour lost to meticulously-crafted world-building and character writing. not necessarily a bad thing, but wildly daunting when you got a full-time and partner that you like spending time with. however, once you finally give in to the rich text laid out in front of you, it becomes one of the funniest, engaging, and emotionally resonant stories i've experienced. a great deal of life in a capitalist hellscape is spent mitigating pain, numbing ourselves just enough to do what needs to get done; however, the fact that we, a bunch of apes with screaming voices in our heads, have been able to even to do what we can in this existence is it's own bizarre miracle. and, even when we're gone, we continue to fuel a world that will live on long beyond our passing. be it spiritually, culturally, or materially. that's fucking disco, baby.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
