Completed 3 times now, with my best time at 34 minutes.

While I absolutely love this game's narrative and philosophy, the effectiveness is unfortunately a bit dulled, because to me the supposed "frustration/rage game" was overall enjoyable and fun to play. Like when Foddy says something like, "Oh, man, that was a really big fall. Very frustrating." I can't help but feel a bit disconnected. No, Bennett. Can't you see I'm having a great time? Geez.

Now, I'm not trying to sound like a grizzled, war-hardened God Gamer. Because I'm not one. But I don't find this game all that... difficult? It's definitely stressful and there were some nail-biting moments of tension, but after a big fall or even a repeated failure, I couldn't help but laugh and feel more determined. All I'm saying is I think the YouTubers have oversold the difficulty. Unsurprisingly.

This game is poetry, and it could honestly be as impactful as The Beginner's Guide to me if it weren't for the narrative dissonance. Maybe when I'm trying for a faster time I'll find it harder, but for this reason I just don't entirely resonate with the game at the moment.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2024
