Fire Emblem games have mostly not been renowned for their writing...But with Three Houses seeming to pave the way towards them trying to tell more nuanced stories, this game released and gave it a firm 'HAH, NOPE!'.

Disclaimer before I just dump on this game: The actual gameplay was kinda fun, some systems were neat and the maps were cool.

Everything else is crap.

You are the special-est and most renowned character EVAH. A demi-god renowned for doing...Something. That has a whole religion surrounding them with characters who actively worship them as a diety. Even your enemies can't help but respect and admire you...For some reason.

And when you look at the map, literally the ENTIRE world, even the other continents, revolve around you. ...This kind of power fantasy might gel with others, but for me this is...just...not why I'm here. Despite actually really enjoying the gameplay, the story just kept on popping in to ruin whatever I felt about it. The other characters who join your party aren't much better.

This bleeds into the 'gimmick' that the game introduces, which has you summon past characters from other Fire Emblem games to give you some neat powers. These characters are even MORE underwritten than the main character and plot itself, leading to a very jaded reasoning as to why they even bothered.

If you're a player who can completely ignore a games storyline...I guess this is for you? Mechanically this game is sound.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
