An unnecesary ending to the already pretty autoconclusive deponia trilogy.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the time-travel mechanics and how well integrated they are in some gameplay segments (even though towards the end they get pretty convoluted). I also liked the comedy which is pretty much the same as in the rest of the series. And that is about it.

The game feels like a pointless attempt to revive a series that is already dead, it can be nice to play but it doesn't really get anywhere. Don't expect more closure than the original trilogy because you won't get it. Even the game is aware of this as it sometimes jokes about its own futility.

On a side note, at this point I expected they would have grown out of transphobic jokes but apparently not. I think they have tuned it down a little (as it is just a small part of the first stage) but still a good point not to play it.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2021

1 Comment

1 year ago

I actually think this game is pretty much a middle finger to players who complained about the original trilogy's ending and demanded a new ending. Because, of course, this continues the story only to arrive at the same ending again.